As the year was ending for 2019 and as we were preparing our plans for 2020, we never imagined our lives changing so drastically, hearing "Quarantine" or "Stay at home order" it immediately became a life changing moment. It was the beginning of March when we heard about this deadly virus called the "Corona Virus", or "COVID-19" and how it would change our lives and our business- the way we work, how we interact with our clients, family and friends, being able to leave our house, or even wondering if grocery stores would have to close down. We immediately stocked up on food, cleaning supplies, medicines and other household essentials we could possibly think of for our homes and our business.
CSC had to think of different ways to work, and make this life changing movement. We had to figure out ways on how we can still be here for our clients. Within days we pivoted our work environment and set up our home to an office setting. We communicate by telephone, zoom, face-time with our staff and our clients. Things have been moving smoothly. Who would have thought it could happen. Anything will happen, if you set your mind to it.
We can all expect a safe but very different work place once everything is up and back to the norm. As we adjust to reengaging with friends, families and coworkers, it is critical we are sensitive to the individual concerns of employees who are wanting to protect themselves. CSC has worked tremendously to send our clients updates on being safe and healthy in their work environments. We have offered recommendations and work protocols for their business to continue to run as smoothly as possible. Our return-to-work protocols ensures consistent hygiene practices and new social distancing requirements to minimize person-to- person contact. Each one of our clients are unique, so each return-to work plan will be different and will be implemented to ensure compliance with local regulations and compliance.
In the spirit of collaboration, and for the greater of our community, we will be hosting "Prepare your Small Business For The Effects of COVID-19" workshop on June 18th (please keep an eye out for workshop information) for our clients, small businesses, and others in the industry so everybody can benefit our learning.
We want us all to realize that for a short time in history, the entire world came together to fight an enemy, COVID-19.