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Miller Park Updates


Updated: Jan 26, 2021

This is an article that will continue to be updated as construction at the park moves forward.

November 9, 2020

Thanks to the Streets Staff and NC Machinery, we saw the first steps in restoring Miller Park right here in Yakima. This past week, the park’s fence was rolled back and asphalt demolition has begun.

November 25, 2020

The new asphalt was leveled and laid down on the Basketball courts at Miller Park. This provides a safe location for athletes to practice and friends to gather when the time is safe!

Images courtesy of: Ken Wilkinson

In Governor Inslee's most recent Equity Policy Brief he included the Miller Park Improvement Project.

To see the full newsetter, visit:

The Yakima City Council has also included the project as one of its priorities for the 2021 state legislative session. Gov. Jay Inslee has set aside funds for Miller Park in his proposed budget.

The Miller Park Improvement Project was announced in September 2020. Community members, led by Bertha Alicia Garza, began the effort in conjunction with Yakima Parks and Recreation.

“We are asking the public to help us restore this essential northeast neighborhood park,” said Parks and Recreation Manager Ken Wilkinson. “Our purpose is revitalize Miller Park as the heart of the community.”

With a fundraising target of $400,000 for improvements at Miller Park, the goals are to increase safety, health & recreation opportunities and a community gathering place for education, outreach and collaboration.

“Alone we can do little, but together we can move mountains,” said Garza.

Proposed park improvements include:

New park pavilion, benches, tables and restrooms.

Resurfacing, striping, updating four basketball courts and improving court lighting.

Constructing walkways and paths

Covering the performance stage area

Adding a community information board

Installing a playground

Donations can be sent to:

Yakima Valley Community Foundation

Miller Park Improvement Fund

111 University Parkway, Suite 102

Yakima, WA 98901

Miller Park was constructed in 1923 and sits on nearly four acres. It was Yakima’s first designated neighborhood park.

To learn more about the initiative and to support view:

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